red-rag and pink-flag
after ee cummings
Browder Street, Dallas TX March 2022

red-rag and pink-flag, 2022
Screenprint on recycled paper, ed. of 90
16” x 10 1/2”
red-rag, 2021
handmade folded linen paper
detail, red-rag

pink-flag, 2021
handmade cotton paper, bamboo
blackshirt, 2022
cotton shirt, iron hanger, date nails, northern sea oats, oyster shells
detail, blackshirt
brown, 2021-22
cast burlap and cardboard, wood, nails
22” x 28” x 6”
strut-mince, 2022
polyester, cotton
stink-brag, 2021
synthetic materials, salt from spiral jetty, great salt lake utah
some like it shot, 2021
24” x 30”
cotton, dirt, artificial sunflower, wire
some like in the twot, 2022
handmade recycled paper, plaster, wood, glue
1:4 recreation in paper of “10”, at Dwan Gallery, New York City 1966
exo ovo projects, Dallas TX May-June 2020

Field, 2020 (after Carl Andre’s Field, 1966)
Scored recycled paper
21 3/4” x 21 5/8” x 1/4”

Horizontal Flanking, small scale, 2020 (after Jo Baer’s Horizontal Flanking, large scale, 1966)
Cast recycled paper, handmade paper sheets, latex enamel
Two parts, 30” x 42” x 1” each

Daylight & Cool Light, 2020 (after Dan Flavin’s Daylight & Cool Light, 1964)
Handmade cotton rag paper, handmade recycled paper,
wood, fluorescent, and latex enamel
22” x 4” x 4”

Untitled, 2020 (after Donald Judd’s Untitled, 1966)
Handmade linen rag paper, wood, latex enamel
Six units, 20” x 20” x 20” each

A7, 2020 (after Sol LeWitt’s A5, 1966)
Handmade cotton rag paper, galvanized mesh, wood
14” x 42” x 42”

Leaves, 2020 (after Agnes Martin’s Leaves, 1966)
Linen and cotton rag paper, graphite
36” x 36” x 1/4”

Untitled, 2020 (after Robert Morris’ Untitled, 1966)
Linen rag paper, wood, latex enamel
24” x 48” x 48”

Ultimate Paper #39, (after Ad Reinhardt’s Ultimate Painting #39)
Recycled paper mounted on wood
30” x 30”

Algodon, 2020 (after Robert Smithson’s Alogon, 1966)
Cast cotton, Black Cat ink
7 units: square surfaces 1 1/2”, 1 3/4”, 2”, 2 1/4”, 2 1/2” 2 3/4”, 3”

Untitled, 2020 (after Michael Steiner’s Untitled, 1965)
Cast recycled paper, aluminum enamel paint
14” x 41” x 6”

Paper Poultices, 2020
Sweet Pass Sculpture Park, Dallas, TX
Pigmented paper pulp on all cut tree branches in 1 acre park

Tino or Toroni? 2020
305 sheets of red linen paper
10’ x 31’
ex ovo projects, Dallas, TX

After Richard Serra’s Splashing, 2019
Paper pulp, plastic

︎ TINO WARD 2020-22